Web Graphic Guys
21 Point Website Quality Checklist

You may have a website but is it current, safe, mobile friendly and up to date?

Take the following quiz to see if your current website is up to par…


1) Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

2) Does Your Mobile Friendly Site have a tap to call?

3) Is Your Website Responsive to Phones, Tablets, Desktops?

4) Are you connected to Social Media sites? Facebook? YouTube? LinkedIn?

5) Does your site have a lead capture form? Email? Phone?

6) Does your website have a contact us form with all the details?

7) Does your website have your logo?

8) Does your website have movement? Videos or sliders?

9) Does your website have visual interest such as photos?

10) Does your website have high quality relevant content?

11) Is your site easy to navigate?

12) Does your website have video? Is it linked to YouTube?

13) Does your website show your reviews and testimonials?

14) Does your website CAPTURE testimonials and reviews?

15) Does your website have social proof such as media logos or directory

logos or organization logos?

16) Does your website have local maps from Google?

17) Is your privacy terms and other legal information up to date?

18) Do you have Frequently Asked Questions?

19) Does your website have a media or news page?

20) Is your information regularly updated via blog posts or RSS feeds?

21) Do you have a long term marketing plan using your website as a marketing tool?


If you answered “No” to any of theĀ  questions listed above then you may want to consider a website overhaul and update. Web Graphic Guy can help you do that.

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